02 – Explanation of the Code

In this post, we will be briefly explaining the code for this Ribbon:

Screenshot 2014-01-20 11.30.57

You fill first need to create a table called USysRibbons that contains a ID(AutoNumber), RibbonName(Text) and RibbonXML(Memo) fields.


Do not close the table when created! Instead, change it to datasheet view and click on create form.


Save the form as frmRibbon.


Enlarge the RibbonXML field.


Save the form and change it to Form view. Paste the code below into the RibbonXML field and write RibbonAdmin in the RibbonName field. Save the database.

The Code

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"> 
  <ribbon startFromScratch="true"> 

      <tab id="tabHome" label="Home" visible="true"> 

       <group id="GroupInfo"  label="Info"> 
       <labelControl id="lblDate" getLabel="onGetLabel"/> 
       <labelControl id="lblUser" getLabel="onGetLabel"/> 
       <labelControl id="lblTerminal" getLabel="onGetLabel"/> 

       <group id="GroupHome"  label="Home"> 
        <button id="cmdHome" label="Home" imageMso="BlogHomePage"
                size="large"   onAction="onClick"/>          

        <group id="GroupNavigation"  label="Navigation"> 

        <splitButton id="sbStudents" size="large"> 
                <button id="cmdStudents"  imageMso="AddOrRemoveAttendees"
                  label="Students"  onAction="onClick"/> 
                         <menu id="menStudents"> 
         <button id="cmdStudentsNew" label="New Student" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DiagramShapeInsertClassic" /> 
         <button id="cmdStudentsEdit" label="Edit Student" onAction="onClick"   imageMso="DataFormSource" /> 
         <button id="cmdStudentsReports" label="Reports" onAction="onClick"   imageMso="DefinedPrintStyle"/> 

            <separator id="separator1"/>  
           <splitButton id="sbTeachers" size="large"> 
                <button id="cmdTeachers"  imageMso="AccessTableContacts"
                  label="Teachers"  onAction="onClick"/> 
                         <menu id="menTeachers"> 
         <button id="cmdTeachersNew" label="New Teacher" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DiagramShapeInsertClassic"/> 
         <button id="cmdTeachersEdit" label="Edit Teacher" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DataFormSource"/> 
         <button id="cmdTeachersReports" label="Reports" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DefinedPrintStyle"/> 
                          < /menu> 

            <separator id="separator2"/>  

          <splitButton id="sbCourses" size="large"> 
            <button id="cmdCourses"  imageMso="ReadingMode"
                  label="Courses"  onAction="onClick"/> 
                         <menu id="menCourses"> 
             <button id="cmdCoursesNew" label="New Course" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DiagramShapeInsertClassic"/> 
                      <button id="cmdCoursesEdit" label="Edit Course" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DataFormSource"/> 

           <separator id="separator3"/>  

            <splitButton id="sbClasses" size="large"> 
            <button id="cmdClasses"  imageMso="MeetingsWorkspace"
               label="Classes"  onAction="onClick"/> 
             <menu id="menClasses"> 
              <button id="cmdClassTimeTable" label="TimeTable" onAction="onClick" imageMso="StartAfterPrevious"/> 
              <button id="cmdClassCalendar" label="Calendar" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DateAndTimeInsert"/>   
              <button id="cmdClassRegister" label="Register" onAction="onClick" imageMso="AddressBook"/> 
              <button id="cmdClassLogAttendance" label="Log Attendance" onAction="onClick" 
              <button id="cmdClassAttendanceReport" label="Attendance Report" onAction="onClick" 


 <group id="GroupClasses"  label="Today's Classes"> 
       < labelControl id="lblTest" label="Please choose a class:"/> 
                 < dropDown 
      keytip="& amp;TN"
      screentip="View classes"

     < /group>         


The XML Explained (briefly)


<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">...</customUI>

Here we informing Access that the code is XML.


<ribbon startFromScratch="true">

This means that we want to create a whole new Ribbon and not build on the existing Ribbon.


< tabs> ... < /tabs>

This code will contain the tabs.


 < tab id="tabHome" label="Home" visible="true"> ...  < /tab>

All code that goes here will be in the Home tab.


 < group id="GroupInfo"  label="Info"> 
       < labelControl id="lblDate" getLabel="onGetLabel"/> 
       < labelControl id="lblUser" getLabel="onGetLabel"/> 
       < labelControl id="lblTerminal" getLabel="onGetLabel"/> 
     < /group>

This code will display a group called Info. Within the group, three labels will be shown and the captions within the labels are custom text generated when the Ribbon is loaded.


 < group id="GroupHome"  label="Home"> 
        < button id="cmdHome" label="Home" imageMso="BlogHomePage"
                size="large"   onAction="onClick"/>          
       < /group>

This code will display a group called Home along with a button called Home. The imageMSO=”BlogHomePage” statement is responsible for the image whilst the onAction=”onClick” statement is responsible for automating the button.


 < group id="GroupNavigation"  label="Navigation"> 

        < splitButton id="sbStudents" size="large"> 
                < button id="cmdStudents"  imageMso="AddOrRemoveAttendees"
                  label="Students"  onAction="onClick"/> 
                         < menu id="menStudents"> 
       < button id="cmdStudentsNew" label="New Student" onAction="onClick"   imageMso="DiagramShapeInsertClassic" /> 
       < button id="cmdStudentsEdit" label="Edit Student" onAction="onClick"   imageMso="DataFormSource" /> 
       < button id="cmdStudentsReports" label="Reports" onAction="onClick"   imageMso="DefinedPrintStyle"/> 
                          < /menu> 
             < /splitButton> 

       < separator id="separator1"/>  
        < splitButton id="sbTeachers" size="large"> 
        < button id="cmdTeachers"  imageMso="AccessTableContacts"
                  label="Teachers"  onAction="onClick"/> 
                         < menu id="menTeachers"> 
        < button id="cmdTeachersNew" label="New Teacher" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DiagramShapeInsertClassic"/> 
         < button id="cmdTeachersEdit" label="Edit Teacher" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DataFormSource"/> 
        < button id="cmdTeachersReports" label="Reports" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DefinedPrintStyle"/> 
                          < /menu> 
           < /splitButton> 

            < separator id="separator2"/>  

          < splitButton id="sbCourses" size="large"> 
          < button id="cmdCourses"  imageMso="ReadingMode"
                  label="Courses"  onAction="onClick"/> 
                         < menu id="menCourses"> 
          < button id="cmdCoursesNew" label="New Course" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DiagramShapeInsertClassic"/> 
          < button id="cmdCoursesEdit" label="Edit Course" onAction="onClick" imageMso="DataFormSource"/> 
          < /menu> 
         < /splitButton>

This code will display a group called Navigation along with four split buttons. The split buttons and associated menus all have their own images and onClick events.

< group id="GroupClasses"  label="Today's Classes"> 
       < labelControl id="lblTest" label="Please choose a class:"/> 
                 < dropDown 
      keytip="& amp;TN"
      screentip="View classes"

     < /group>

This code displays a group called Today’s Classes and displays a drop down menu within it. When a drop down menu item is selected the onAction=”OnSelectionItem” code runs.

Now for the VBA code.

You will need to create a module called modRibbonCallbacks and drop this code in it:

Option Compare Database

Public Sub onGetLabel(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)

'-----------------Other Labels--------------------------------
Select Case control.id
Case "lblDate"
    label = FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)
Case "lblUser"
    label = getAccessUserName()
Case "lblTerminal"
    label = getComputerName()

End Select
End Sub

Public Sub OnClick(control As IRibbonControl)
Select Case control.id


    Case "cmdHome"
        OpenSingleform "frmHome", Edit, Normal


    Case "cmdStudents"
        OpenSingleform "frmStudentsNav", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdStudentsNew"
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmStudentsDataEntry", , , , acFormAdd, acDialog
    Case "cmdStudentsEdit"
        OpenSingleform "frmStudentContinuous", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdStudentsReports"
        OpenSingleform "frmStudentReports", Edit, Normal


    Case "cmdTeachers"
        OpenSingleform "frmTeachersNav", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdTeachersNew"
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTeachersDataEntry", , , , acFormAdd, acDialog
    Case "cmdTeachersEdit"
        OpenSingleform "frmTeacherContinuous", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdTeachersReports"
        OpenSingleform "frmTeacherReports", Edit, Normal


    Case "cmdCourses"
        OpenSingleform "frmCoursesNav", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdCoursesNew"
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCoursesView", , , , acFormAdd
    Case "cmdCoursesEdit"
        OpenSingleform "frmCoursesContinuous", Edit, Normal


    Case "cmdClassTimeTable"
        OpenSingleform "frmClassTimeTable", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdClassCalendar"
        OpenSingleform "frmCalendar", Edit, Normal
    Case "cmdClassRegister"
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDateSelector", , , , , acDialog
        DoCmd.OpenReport "rptClassRegister", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal
    Case "cmdClassLogAttendance"
        DoCmd.RunMacro "mcrProgramFlow.LogAttendance"
    Case "cmdClassAttendanceReport"
        DoCmd.RunMacro "mcrProgramFlow.AttendanceReport"

End Select
End Sub

The Explanation (Brief)

Public Sub onGetLabel(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)

'-----------------Other Labels--------------------------------
Select Case control.id
Case "lblDate"
    label = FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)
Case "lblUser"
    label = getAccessUserName()
Case "lblTerminal"
    label = getComputerName()

End Select
End Sub

This sub procedure returns a caption to be used as a label.

Public Sub OnClick(control As IRibbonControl)
Select Case control.id


    Case "cmdHome"
End Sub

This code is called when a button or split button (menu item) is clicked. The id of the Ribbon control is passed to the procedure and a select case statement is used to determine what action is performed.

This code needs to be placed in a module called modRibbonDropDownFunctions

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private myArray() As Variant

Sub onGetItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
    count = getTodaysClasses()
End Sub

Public Function getTodaysClasses() As Integer
getTodaysClasses = LoadArray()
End Function

Public Function LoadArray() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

strSQL = "SELECT tblClass.ClassID, tblClass.ClassDate, " _
& "DLookUp('[LookUp24Hour]','tblTimes','[LookUpScheduleTime]=' & [tblclass].[StartTime]) AS StartTime, " _
& "DLookUp('[LookUp24Hour]','tblTimes','[LookUpScheduleTime]=' & [tblclass].[EndTime]) AS EndTime, " _
& "Left([tblTeachers].[FirstName],1) & Left([tblTeachers].[LastName],1) AS Teacher, tblLevel.Code " _
& "FROM tblLevel INNER JOIN (tblTeachers INNER JOIN (tblCourse INNER JOIN tblClass  " _
& "ON tblCourse.CourseID = tblClass.CourseID) ON tblTeachers.TeacherID = tblClass.TeacherID)  " _
& "ON tblLevel.LevelID = tblCourse.Level " _
& "WHERE (((tblClass.ClassDate)=" & CLng(Date) & ")) " _
& "ORDER BY tblClass.ClassDate, DLookUp('[LookUp24Hour]','tblTimes','[LookUpScheduleTime]=' & [tblclass].[StartTime]);"

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

With rs
    If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then

        ReDim myArray(0 To .RecordCount - 1, 5)

        For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)

            myArray(i, 0) = .Fields("ClassID")
            myArray(i, 1) = .Fields("StartTime")
            myArray(i, 2) = .Fields("EndTime")
            myArray(i, 3) = .Fields("Teacher")
            myArray(i, 4) = .Fields("Code")

        Next i
        LoadArray = .RecordCount
        'Return value = 0
        LoadArray = 0
    End If
End With

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function

Public Function strGetItemLabel(index As Integer) As String
strGetItemLabel = myArray(index, 1) & " " _
            & myArray(index, 2) & " " _
            & myArray(index, 3) & " " _
            & myArray(index, 4) & " "
End Function

Public Function lngGetItemID(index As Integer) As Long
lngGetItemID = myArray(index, 0)
End Function

Public Sub onGetItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef returnedVal)
returnedVal = strGetItemLabel(index)
End Sub

Public Sub onGetItemID(ctl As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef id)
id = lngGetItemID(index)
End Sub

Public Sub OnSelectItem(ctl As IRibbonControl, selectedId As String, selectedIndex As Integer)

    If (ctl.id = "drpClasses") Then
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmClassView", , , "[ClassID]=" & CLng(selectedId), , acDialog

    End If
End Sub


The explanation (brief)

Sub onGetItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
    count = getTodaysClasses()
End Sub

Public Function getTodaysClasses() As Integer
getTodaysClasses = LoadArray()
End Function

Public Function LoadArray() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

strSQL = "SELECT tblClass.ClassID, tblClass.ClassDate, " _
& "DLookUp('[LookUp24Hour]','tblTimes','[LookUpScheduleTime]=' & [tblclass].[StartTime]) AS StartTime, " _
& "DLookUp('[LookUp24Hour]','tblTimes','[LookUpScheduleTime]=' & [tblclass].[EndTime]) AS EndTime, " _
& "Left([tblTeachers].[FirstName],1) & Left([tblTeachers].[LastName],1) AS Teacher, tblLevel.Code " _
& "FROM tblLevel INNER JOIN (tblTeachers INNER JOIN (tblCourse INNER JOIN tblClass  " _
& "ON tblCourse.CourseID = tblClass.CourseID) ON tblTeachers.TeacherID = tblClass.TeacherID)  " _
& "ON tblLevel.LevelID = tblCourse.Level " _
& "WHERE (((tblClass.ClassDate)=" & CLng(Date) & ")) " _
& "ORDER BY tblClass.ClassDate, DLookUp('[LookUp24Hour]','tblTimes','[LookUpScheduleTime]=' & [tblclass].[StartTime]);"

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

With rs
    If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then

        ReDim myArray(0 To .RecordCount - 1, 5)

        For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)

            myArray(i, 0) = .Fields("ClassID")
            myArray(i, 1) = .Fields("StartTime")
            myArray(i, 2) = .Fields("EndTime")
            myArray(i, 3) = .Fields("Teacher")
            myArray(i, 4) = .Fields("Code")

        Next i
        LoadArray = .RecordCount
        'Return value = 0
        LoadArray = 0
    End If
End With

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function

When the Ribbon loads, the initial sub that is called is onGetItemCount as one of the first things the drop down menu needs to know is how many items it will have to hold. Since this is one of the first subs called we can utilise it to load an array of data that we will use to populate the drop down menu.

Public Function strGetItemLabel(index As Integer) As String
strGetItemLabel = myArray(index, 1) & " " _
            & myArray(index, 2) & " " _
            & myArray(index, 3) & " " _
            & myArray(index, 4) & " "
End Function

This sub procedure returns a concatenated string of items from the loaded array. We use the passed index argument to determine which line of the array is being read.

Public Function lngGetItemID(index As Integer) As Long
lngGetItemID = myArray(index, 0)
End Function

This function looks up a value from the array. The value, in this case, represents the id number of the class being stored. myArray(index, 0) indicates that (if we visualize the array as a table) the row number is whatever is passed as the index value and the column number is 0 (The first element in an array row or column is often 0).

Public Sub OnSelectItem(ctl As IRibbonControl, selectedId As String, selectedIndex As Integer)

    If (ctl.id = "drpClasses") Then
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmClassView", , , "[ClassID]=" & CLng(selectedId), , acDialog

    End If
End Sub

This sub procedure performs an action based on which drop down menu item is selected.

These are some generic functions that need to be placed in a module called modFunctions. The reason they are apart from the Ribbon code is that other parts of the application may require them and it is important that we know where they are located.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Enum DataMode
    Add = 1
    Edit = 2
End Enum

Public Enum WindowMode
    Normal = 1
    Dialog = 2
End Enum

Public Function getFirstWeekday(lngFirstDayOfMonth As Long) As Integer

getFirstWeekday = Weekday(lngFirstDayOfMonth, vbMonday)

End Function

Public Function getDaysInMonth(intMonth As Integer, intYear As Integer) As Integer

Dim lngFirstDayOfMonth As Long
Dim lngDatePlusMonth As Long

lngFirstDayOfMonth = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1)
lngDatePlusMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, lngFirstDayOfMonth)

getDaysInMonth = DateDiff("d", lngFirstDayOfMonth, lngDatePlusMonth)

End Function

Public Function getComputerName()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

getComputerName = "Terminal: " & Environ$("computername")

    Exit Function

    getComputerName = "Unknown"
    Resume Exit_Function

End Function

Public Function getAccessUserName()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

getAccessUserName = "User: " & Environ$("username")

    Exit Function

    getAccessUserName = "Unknown"
    Resume Exit_Function

End Function

Public Function CloseAllFormsAndReports()

On Error Resume Next

Call CloseAllForms
Call CloseAllReports

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Public Function CloseAllForms()

On Error Resume Next
Dim frm As Form
Dim i As Integer
For i = Application.Forms.count - 1 To 0 Step -1
    DoCmd.Close acForm, Forms(i).Name, acSavePrompt
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Public Function CloseAllReports()

On Error Resume Next
Dim rpt As Report
Dim i As Integer
   For i = Application.Reports.count - 1 To 0 Step -1
        DoCmd.Close acReport, Reports(i).Name, acSavePrompt
    Next i
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Public Sub OpenSingleform(strFormName As String, strDataMode As DataMode, strWindowMode As WindowMode)
On Error Resume Next
Call CloseAllFormsAndReports
If strDataMode = Add And strWindowMode = Normal Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm strFormName, , , , acFormAdd, acWindowNormal
ElseIf strDataMode = Edit And strWindowMode = Normal Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm strFormName, , , , acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
ElseIf strDataMode = Edit And strWindowMode = Dialog Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm strFormName, , , , acFormEdit, acDialog
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Related Posts

01 – Introduction to the Ribbon
03 – The USysRibbons Table
04 – Tabs, Groups, Buttons and ImageMSOs
05 – Callbacks
06 – Split Buttons
07 – Get Label
08 – Drop Down Menus 1
09 – Drop Down Boxes 2
10 – Splitting a Database

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